About ATC
Analytical Training Consultants, LLC is a consultant company specializing in providing the Oil and Gas Petrochemical and Refining industry with recognized, standardized, and recommended practices for proper training and refresher courses.
As of January 1, 2022, Brian Wilson is the new Owner and Course Director of Analytical Training Consultants, which was founded by Don Mears in 2007. Don has been a representative of several analytical equipment manufacturers and has personally discussed this training course plan, (PMI Certification on API Recommended Practice 578, 2nd Edition) with several key industry leaders including Exxon Mobil, BP Amoco, Shell, Valero, Rohm & Hass and DuPont. Each have requested him to create this course and teach it regionally to advance the continued education for industry personnel. Currently, the API 578 training classes are being offered to the industry leaders on the XRF, OES and LIBS theory and operation including radiation safety and includes a 2-day course with optional 3rd day with further hands-on training. These courses are currently taught to the QA/QC, maintenance, warehouse/stores, engineering, and inspection departments. Almost every API approved inspector and PMI Service Company has indicated to us there is a real industry need to offer this course.

ATC appreciates both API and the API RP 578 committee that have created this recommended practice. ATC believes we can offer a great service to the industry by educating the discussed students proposed in this application on proper “Guidelines and Application Procedures for API-RP 578, Positive Material Identification (PMI) Using XRF/OES/LIBS Technologies”. The first training course was offered on December 11-12, 2007 and audited by API for their approval. ATC and the training course was formally approved by API/TPCP and is now available as an American Petroleum Institute Training Provider Certification Program ( API/TPCP) to all the industry needs.
API University – API-U

On March 27, 2023, Analytical Training Consultants was selected by API-U to be the Preferred Training Provider for API 578 written practice and training curriculum.
On December 31, 2013, the API Training Provider Certification Program (TPCP) was merged with API-U (API’s training program) and no longer functions as a stand-alone program.
API certified training courses tell our customers that the expert in industry standards has evaluated the essential elements of our course. API looks at course development, content, student objectives and instructional materials. API also examines instructor qualifications, course evaluations, administration, and actual course delivery.
Determining the quality of training materials should not be a guessing game. Too much rides on ensuring that the training you buy has been designed to meet the highest standards of quality.